Minggu, 12 September 2010

Sweet Ubud Corner.............

Sweet Ubud Corner............

Om Swastyastu .................

Do still remember the story of Pan Dabreg????..............Let's Go......!!!!

" The Happy old times " she thinks. Men Dabreg smiles to herself.The rice is already cooked, she just needs to prepare the vegetables. Young tapioca leaf, eggplant, also some spices to be put in the wok. Puts on top of the trivet, taking off thence which is cooked. She adds a little coconut sugar and salt, the stir and waits.

The smoke from the trivet comes to her eyes, smarting, a little bit. She wipes her eyes with, the edge of her shirt, a little bit worn but clean. That shirt is already one year old. The colour, old yellow, has a red flower as the picture.

Men Dbreg remembers she bought that shirt from the clearing sale in Ubud corner. She bargained for halft price. They gave it to her as the seller said, as penggarus. She felt very glad. Lately Men Dabreg has been very astonished with her husband. Since the old market in Ubud collapsed , and the new two storey market built, the behaviour of her husband has been unusual.

At night, when he sleeps he often, talks. Many kinds of talk. Sometime calls his late father's name, sometimes just says, " tourist, tourist!" or only says, : dangerous, dangerous!' All these are big questions for Men Dabreg, once she questioned her husband . He just answered flatly : " Maybe I just tired ." If she push him more, her husband soon changes the conversation.

"Wah, this time your food very delicious. Is it you put more in than usual ? " Lately questions about that are never answered.Without realising, the vegetables are already cooked . Soon Nyoman comes in, the sound of singing coming first. He always sings the same song, " Madu dan Racun ". The pop songs. Almost everybody from young to old can sing these songs.

Almost at the same time, Pan Dabreg comes in too. His tall body and large steps remind people of " I Bima " in the shadow puppet story.  After Men Dabreg has made and  given offerings to the house, the three people have lunch. After that , Nyoman leaves, busy in the backyard feeding the cows.

Men Dabreg and her husband sit on the bed in the paon. That old bed still firmly holds their bodies, even when there are five people. " Memene, do you remember when we met before ? " Always she calls her husband Bapane, and her husband calls her Memene.

" Why do you ask that ? " Men Dabreg returns the question. " No, nothing. I was just remembering that night we saw arja performance in the corner of Ubud, " says her husband with deep voice, " Many people in the audience."

" Yes, we walked at that time in a group along the path," the wife says while she carries the dirty plates to the plastic bucket, the memory passing her mind. " You walked with your group, I walked with mine." The husband lights his cigarette. The flame from the match makes a silhouette on his face.

" Then you still remember ? The torch from your group was dead. So, to walk in the night without moon, your group joined mine, " he says again inhaling his cigarette deeply, then letting the smoke out.

" And then while we walked to Ubud, we joked, " she replies, " And your jokes with your friends, very rude !"

"Oh, that was just to chase away the fear, if leyak came !"

" Actually  the leyak was you." Jest Men Dabreg. " You always looked at me, and tried to hold my hand, isn't it ?"

" Ha,ha,ha,ha,. You just say that Memene. How could i hold your hand then if you didn't smile at me?" The husband laughs, no teeth in his top mouth making him look older.  "Ahh, you are the man without shame. With many people, you were brave to hold, " grumble the wife, joking. She still has some beauty remining from when she was young.

"But , all that success, The result?" He inhales his cigarette again. "Four children , two granchildren!" He bows out the smoke from his cigarette, until it touches the husband may explain . Or at least talk more.

That man is still quite, his forehead wrinkling. He flicks the ash from his cigarette.His eyes travel down to his feet. those feet which have traveled all his life.

" Memene," he says suddenly," will i go to Ubud?" And then stands hurriedly," Tying sarong. Without waiting for the answer Pan Dabreg flies out.

She sees Pan Dabreg snatch the hat hanging on the bamboo wall. Look at his cock in the cage in the corner of the house. Then lost from view after passing angkul - angkul of the house. The leaving of her husband for Ubud this time, leaves unanswered questions for Men Dabreg. She tries to forget it. Stack the clean plates in the bamboo rack, then starts sweeping the kitchen floor alone.

The voice of her neighbour's radio, broadcasting drama - gong, is heard clearly in her ears. Sometimes she hears the cow mooing, annoyed by burnning hot of the daytime. The solitude now squeezes her, the solitude which she does not understand.

Thank you....Dear , please keep it in your sweet memory . All  from the sacred romance of Ubud......

Om Canti...Canti...Canti.....Om

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa melinggih kelod, Kec. Payangan, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali - Indonesia
Telp. No. (+62.361) 980.333, Facsimile (+62. 361) 980.411, 
Site : www.rijasa.com

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Ubud.....Ubud......and Ubud again....!!!!

Balinese in the village of  Payangan, ubud 
will keep your imagination on  the peak solitary.........

 Ubud story  ..........

There are many circumstances in this world which make Men Dabreg not understand fully, Just for example, about television.If she looks at television, always comes out the question, where does the picture come from ? The wire no bigger than her finger, how can this make voice and picture ? The people who often see television at Balai Banjar also talk about it, but never have the exact information.

Some people who try to guess.Maybe that antenna, put high on top of the house, catches voice and picture as it passes in the air.The other say, television alive of electricity. So, the electricity itselft is sucking voice and picture, entering inside the television.

Men Dabreg always wrinkles her forehead when they talk about television, electricity, radio and other modern stuff. It is better to enjoy it, without becoming confused trying to know everything.If television or radio breaks down, just take to the repairer! They can fix it.
Now everywhere people have radio. To the ricefield , carriying transistor radio. To the kitchen or while making wood - carvings, the radio is always beside them.

Other then that, every village has somebody with television, push bike, motorbike, even bemo. The road are good, some with asphalt, some not yet. The people's economy has become more developed, of course.

It was really different when Men Dabreg was young. When she was young people seldom had radio. Even if radio had existed, they could not afford the price. At that time her rich neighbour got it by swapping one full rice barn. That Radio was big as buffalo head.
The neighbour always came in, mass to listen to that voice of radio.They were very glad when the radio broadcast gamelan Bali Programmes, or kroncong songs. Very impressed.

When the battery finished, the neighbour had to go from Ubud to Denpasar riding D.K.W motorbike or horse. Sometimes he would entrust a member of the village to buy it. Now that neighbour and D.K.W motorbike have become old piles of iron, staying lonely in the back yard. The chicken often perch on it during the daytime. Even though the owner died five years ago and was cremated.

" Ah, this world has moved so far," whisper Men Dabreg, breathing deeply.

She put more wood in the trivet, the fire burn more lightly. The rice she is cooking boils, sometimes the steam pushing the lid, little bit. Open and dosed again. she opens th lid , stir it.

Hearing the mooing voice behind the house , her face frowns. " Hmmm....that cow's also hungry. Soon Nyoman will come back home, " she says to herselft. She puts more wood in the trivet, the fire bigger.

She was already too late with cooking today. This morning spent too long washing clothes in the river.Hopes when her husband comes back from rice fields, everything is cooked.

Her husband likes warm, Pan Dabreg will soon eat very greedily. Men Dabreg doestn't want to make him disappointed. There is also Nyoman, her neighbour's son.After returning from school, he goes straight to paon. Eats, changes his clothes, the gives grass to her cows and debong bananas to the pigs.

Since her marrige thirty years ago, their life has not had many changes. Still a simple life. She is ten years younger than her husband. Their possesions consist of a couple of cows, some pigs, the yard, garden, rice fields, and the house they inherited from their ancestors.
A couple of acres for rice fields, is enough to support their life. Even if they want, their son and doughter can help them make life much better.

But Pan Dabreg and Men Dabreg don't want to be helped by them. Let them enjoy their young life without being troubled by their young life without being troubled by their parents. The parents are happy enough if they can live quitely, and see their son and dughter happy, Just that.

Her marriage with Pan Dabreg has produced four children. One daugther  and three sons. The daughter works in the Government information Departement in Denpasar. Ni Wayan Sudarni is her name. She is married with two children and live in Denpasar.

The second child is teaches at the primary school in Candi Dasa, married just a year ago.The third child is an artist and has his own gallery in Monkey Forest Street, near Dewa House, in Ubud. At present the youngest one works at a cassette shop in Kuta Beachs, while studiying at one of the universities in Denpasar. In Indonesian Literature.

They obey their parents and live in harmony. Often their neighbour, when giving advice to their children will use Men Dabreg; s family as good example.

" Look, it is good to be tidy and obey like Men Dabreg's children. " When she hears that, Men Dabgreg's heart grows and flowers, Her family have become a good example to her neighbours.

even more her husband is the best person in the world and was courageous in his youth . Although his hair now grey, his body is still healthy and strong. works energetically.

Almost every two months, all their children visit . The fisrt usually brings two grandchildren, boy and girl. Their granchildren are very cute, their bodies healthily plump, their eyes glittering, their laughter always bursting when Men Dabreg picks them up...................................

To be continue.......

Selasa, 07 September 2010

Rijasa Agung , the hidden mountain diamond

Valley Enchanting and Peak Solitary.................................

Like the beginning of the story in the rare of delicacy to have alook deligfully to the hill will undulate slowly, the massif of forest, the meadow punctuate the rare of farm. The hut, the shepherd and sacred cow, all dressing gown in the white and red. The  enchanting view of bali famous Ayung River  and Batukaru mountain in the hill surrounding with its area drown in the greenery.

Rijasa Agung Resort & Villas is the sacred palace which always waiting & offer live paradise tranquility for your wellness.Rijasa means the sacred flowers which is just grow up on the peak of the mountain. Agung means the grand.So...Rijasa Agung is the grand sacred flowers of the mountain.....................................................

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel offer : 24 Deluxe Rooms, 8 Deluxe Suite Rooms with outdoor jaccuzi, 2 Agung Villas, 2 Agung Suite Villas with jaccuzi, 2 Agung Suite Villas with plunge pool, 2 Rijasa Suite Villas with private pool, 2 Family Suite Villas with 2  connecting bed rooms.

Other Facilities : Agung Ball room with 150 - 200 capacity, SPA with traditional balinese massage, Entertaiment : Balinese Dance Show ( Subject to be availability ), Daily activity : Learning balinese dancing ( Subject to be availability ), Learning drawing balinese Wayang ( Subject to be availability ).Water sport activity : Rafting, Trekking, Mountain Cycling, etc ( We could serve with outside company as Sobek Rafting company ). Daily Tour : Tour around Ubud, Kuta, Candidasa, etc could available with out side driver.

Room Facilities : Aircondition, Coffee maker, Safety book, slippers, housekeeping amenities : soup, shampoo, body lotion, toothbrush, comb, towel, hand towel, bath mat, telephone , hangger, Mini bar, sewing kit.And there is 1 Sayong Ayung Restaurant with 60 capacity serving breakfast , luch and dinner ,                 2 Swimming pool ( Serve freely...........)

So....so......visit Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Resort Hotel is the great way on your golden vacation!!! And try to find more information on http://www.rijasa.com/

Relligious Story  from Ubud Bali............................................

Introduction :

Rsi Markandya, a Hindu Priest who lived in the 8th century in Damalung Village in Dieng Mount Central Java, was spiritually inspired to remove to eastern area and to reside in Raung Mount East Java. The priest coming to Aga Village located by the foot of Mount Raung was warmly welcomed by the local Hinduism, but also about good practice of cultivation of the soil for growing crops and farming.

One day in his meditation, Rsi Markandya saw a bright light coming out of a mount located in the esatern area and was spiritually inspired and instructed to construct a sacred building of worship and to burry the panca datu ( five kinds of base metals namely : gold, silver, copper, brass and iron ) in it.

To follow up the spiritual inspiration and instruction , Rsi Markandya and hundred of his followers traveled to the eastern area and sailed across Bali Strait. They experienced a lot of hardships during their journey to the island where many of followers suffered from serious illnesses. They almost failed to complete their journey to the island due to the hardships.

Luckily, they managed to go ashore on Bali Island .Immediately after arrival to the island, the priest sought for herbal plants to cure his people who were sick, none of the collection herbal plants managed to cure thier illnesses.

Then, Rsi Markandya went on meditation to ask for guidance and assistance from the God. He finally found the afficacious medicines for his folowers consisting of herbal plants and holy water in a village. Later, the village was named Ubud originating from Ubad which means medicines.

Upon succesfully curing his people, Rsi Markandya then looked for the mount that he saw in his meditation to constract a sacred building of worship and to burry the panca datu . He managed to find the mount. It is located in the heart of Bali Island called Agung Mount. Rsi Markandya then constructed a temple called Pura Besakih, the mother temple, constituting the biggest temple on the island.

In 1936, The king of Ubud, Tjokorda Gde Agung Sukawati, welcomed a German artist called Walter Spies and a Dutch Artist called Rudolf Bonnet. These artist together with balinese artist established an art organization called Pita Maha . Since then, Bali fine art painting have awakened and developed fast and been enriched  with new elements and techniques of painting including perspectives, anatomies and lightings.

In 1956 a painting museum called Puri Lukisan Museum collecting masterpieces of Balinese artist was established in Ubud. The Museum has managed not only to promote Ubud to become a center of arts on the island, but also a dwelling place of painting artist and center of art inspirations up to present.

Thank you...we will continue..........

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan,Desa Melinggih Kelod, Kec. Payangan, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali _ Indonesia
Phone  : (+62.361) 980.333, Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411, 
Site : www.rijasa.com