Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Peacefull Live ...in middle Payangan- Ubud lovely tranquility ...........

Peacefull Payangan - Ubud, Bali..............................

Stronghold bali hinduism in major live activity . Typical live in payangan who always keep their live as farmers who taking care ricepaddys, cow , hen ,  cultivate vegetables and fruits. Balinese doing their live as what it is and be happy with their lovely family. Housewife who always taking care their home alonely and teaching thier children to be patient until to  the end.

Ubud Harmony............................


" Is there any something interest in ubud ? " ( Asking Men Dabreg ) ......." Oh no , there was nothing in Ubud. I just sat, " Pan Dabreg answer nervously. Drink one swallow of coffee and then quiet . Looks like strongly thoughful. 

" Oh , i thought last night was good television programme. so you did not come back home, " says Men Dabreg carefully . Afraid to touch or feel her husband. She moves a little bit. Her husband changes his face. " Some friends also sat there, " says Pan Dabreg flatly. 

" Then why you not back home ? unusual for you to be back in the morning. Event if midnight, usually, you come home, " Men Dabreg's voice demands an answer. Before , when young, she would surely quarrel if Pan dabrge did not return home . She knows, before they were married, many girls the split and of mat. Men Dabreg quiet like statue. 

" Every time i went to Ubud , alot of people asked me where was Ubud corner , " says Pan Dabreg again. " You have already told me that thing, " says that woman strongly. " Ya, but not like this time. Lately too many people have been asking about corner of Ubud, " replies Pan Dabreg. " Do you not ask their reason ?" ..." Don't have time , Memene! After i answer usually they go quickly. I do not know where they go !" Pan Dabreg coughs little bit and then spits to the front. To the ground......" Are the Indonesians or tourist ? " That woman tense. ..." Ya both, " Says Pan Dabreg . He moves a little bit. " Isn't  it easy to finf Ubud corner ? Ubud and corner of Ubud cannot split !" ..." So , what do you think ?" ..." I don't know. Yesterday morning, on my way to Ubud, I met a lot of people. They asked the same thing . I thought that was just normal."

" When i sat and drink coffee in the warung corner of Ubud, i saw a tourist come down from bemo. Followed by the bemo driver. Suddenly they drew line in the ground, and then whispered to teach other."  ..." Where did they draw that line? " his wife wants to know . ..." In the corner beside wantilan !" ...." Oh " Men Dabreg's tension ends. Changes to smile. ......" Oh probably that tourist was asking about some place to that bemo driver. Because they did not bring pen and paper, they drew on the ground!" 

" I became suspicious. Memene . Suspicious of them. " Pan Dabreg coughs again. ..." Why must be suspicious  Bapane? Since before, nothing bad has happened in Ubud. Ubud secure and peacefull!" That woman tries to explain her thinking. " But the era always continues development !" ..."Wah , your suspicion does not have reason !" Men Dabreg slides her eyes to him. That man quiet.

" Listen to my story, " Pan Dabreg breathes in a moment. " last night when all my friends were back home , i sat alone on the chair in Ubud corner. At midnight the rain drizzled down . " ...." Suddenly a lot of dogs barked. I saw the tourist and the bemo driver who in the morning, " made line in the ground pass in front of me. Their faces suspicious. " 

" When i addressed them, they did not look around at me. Even more they went faster . And then lost , swallowed by the night. The dog's barking followed them !" ...." Maybe they were in a hurry, Bapane, because raining. " explains his wife. Pan Dabreg quiet . His coffee in the glass had become cold. " More coffee Bapane?" ask Men Dabreg. " Enough. enough, " says Pan dabreg shortly. " And then what happend after that ?" 

Pan Dabreg tries to remember last night's incidents. " I wanted for them until morning and came back home." 

" Bapane. i am sure you are tired and sleepy ." His wife changes the conversation . " It is better you sleep or have a bath in the river and then we have dinner together." ...."Ah , i just go to the river. " Pan Dabreg stands. Walks to the house, takes towels and soap, and then out. In the river, Pan Dabreg's feeling are mixed. He feels pity to his faithful wife. The wife who walk with him following the time together. 

" I am not supposed to tell this to you." He is restless.


Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Where is Your Home ....................????

Rijasa Flowers.........

Exotic fruits from Payangan - Ubud, Bali ...................................

Durian ..............

Pamelo ......


Bali Orange...................

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Bali Religion ...........


Bali Religion .........................

Balinese are Hinduism in majority . The population over than 3 millions people ,  89.5% of the total population are hindu , 8% Islam, 1% Christian Protestant , 1% Christian Catholic and 0.5% Buddhist . 

The main Principal of Hinduism are : Tattwa ( Philosophy ) , Ethics ( rules of conduct ) and ritual / ceremony, with holy scripture called ( Wedha ) , consist of four  part ( Samhita ) , such as : 
1. Reg Wedha Samhita
2. Sama Wedha Samhita
3. Yajur Wedha Samhita
4. Attharwa Wedha Samhita

The essence of Hinduism teaching is called : Panca Craddha ( Five of Faiths ) , such as : 
1. Widhi Craddha, believe in God Almighty ( ida Sang Hayang Widhi Waca ) 
2. Atma Craddha, believe in the existence of Atman or spirit in every God's creatures 
3. Karma Craddha , believe in the consequence of a conduct accordingly
4. Punar Bhawa Craddha, believe in reincarnation or rebirth after death . 
5. Moksha Craddha, believe in eternal happiness after death as the consequence of good conduct when alive.

The Object life for Hindu Balinese written in the Holy Scripture, Weddha is : Moksartham Jagadditha Ya Ca Ithi Dharma, that means : with religion to achieve physical welfare as well as spiritual happiness. 

The holy place to worship Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Waca , God Almighty with his manifestation called , which is according to its function can be classified  into two kinds , such as : 
* Public Temple to worship God as the creator of the universe, the Preserver and the Abolisher . 
* Clan Temple, to worship the ancestral Holy Spirit

Any ritual or ceremony offered to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Waca / God Almighty is called : Yadnya, in general there are five kinds of ritual that Balinese Hindu people do in Bali , called : Panca Yadnya . 
1. Dewa Yadnya, ritual offering respectfully offer to Ida Sanga Hyang Widhi Waca ( God Almighty with his manifestatios ) . 
2. Resi Yadnya , ritual or offering offered to high priest or priests
3. Manusa Yadnya, rituals held along human life-cycle time started from the time inside the mother's womb , childhood, coming -of- age, adulthood and up the death. 
4. Pitra Yadnya, ritual held to worship ancestor spirit.
5. Butha Yadnya, ritual that held to exorcise or to please the underworld spirits or power who maintain the natural balance.            


( 6th of July 2011 - Galungan Day & 16th of July 2011 Kuningan Day )     

Galungan celebration , as to commemorate the victory of Dharma ( virtue ) upon Adharma ( evil ) based on the mythology of Mayadenawa , the demon king who was involved in a war against God Indra's troops. On this day , a tall bamboo pole decorated with young coconut leaves, flower, fruits and cakes is stuck on every house entrace and make a marvelous sight along the village roads symbolizing prosperity, throughout Bali. 

Kuningan , the last day of Galungan celebration believed to be the ascendant day of the ancestral holy spirits and Deities to heaven after sojourning for several day son this material world. On this day, special offering consisted of yellow rice and special dishes are offered while every compound and temple is decorated with ornament made of young coconut leaves. Throughout Bali. 


Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih Kelod, Kec. Payangan -Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone      : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Site         : www.rijasa.com


Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Typical Ubud taste , as your desire...................

Posted by PicasaSayong Ayung Restaurant............................

Wonderfull breakfast , Lunch , Dinner , Afternoon tea are available in Sayong Ayung Restaurant . Bring together all family to spend your vacation and try typical Rijasa Agung  kitchen taste. 

Special taste from  Indonesia, Asia and Western dishes , will invite you to stay and reach the new taste experiences. Typical Ubud " Betutu " as favorite of Rijasa Agung  visitor. Do not spend your vacation without this autentic Rijasa Agung kitchen taste.

Breakfast will be available from 7.00 am until 11.00 am , Lunch at 11.00 am until 3.00 pm , Snack meal & Daily afternoon tea from 3.00 pm  until  5.00 pm , Dinner time will be start from 6 .00 pm until 11.00 pm . 

Have aniceday.......................

Balinese Wine - Hatten Wines 

What you think about Bali when you arrive for the first time in this thousand temples island . May you think about Balinese dancing which is really famous with their strong artistics of bali hinduism , the  big ceremonies with artistics of  hinduism offerings .

 In 1994, a Balinese family of arak ( rice wine ) makers decided to create an all Balinese Wine from locally grown grapes. Hatten has derived more than eight wines. . Hattens is most famous for their Rose and Sparkling Rose, both designed to fulfill the need for a cold refreshing glass of wine in hot climate at a reasonable price . 

Your dinner will be more exotic  with Hatten wine and it  will add your great experiences on your taste adventures. Choice ones as your desire in Sayong Ayung Restaurant...................


Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel 
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih Kelod, Kec. Payangan -Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone       : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile  : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile ) 
Site          : www.rijasa.com

Greenery on the beautifull sunny........................

Posted by PicasaWhen you feel it and where you find it.....................

The golden arrangement for your vacation have been passed and staying under the sun will your choice for refresh you ownsoul. Take arest for awhile , through the greenery around of you and try to breath freely in the beautifull hill on the top of Ayung river valley and covering by Batukaru mountain . 

Singing birds will build their voice naturally , water flow will bring your imagination further to reach the peacefull. Refreshing beers or cocktail form Rijasa Agung Bar will add the peacefull from this tranquility hill.

Do not say " No " for this lovely occassion, visit it and reach you joyeus during your holiday................

Enjoy your day.....................

You should know.......................

Rice Cultivation . 

Rice is not only essential fare but a secred gift. Dewi Sri, the rice goddess, is one of the favoured gods, and worship of this deity predates Balinese Hinduism . Heavy rainfall, natural spring, fertile volcanic loams and constant sunshine make Bali ideal for rice farming. Indeed , such agricultural prosperity has enabled the development of a complex civilisation since early times. 

Since 11th century, all people whose land was fed by the same water channel have belonged to a subak , or irrigation co-operative, Distinct from normal village organizations,  a subak may co-ordinate irrigation of several villages, depending on drainage pattern . The most important duties of the co-operative include , the  construction irrigation techniques make Balinese rice farming the most sophisticated in Indonesia.

The subak also overseas the culture side of cultivation . All aspect of farming are discussed with recourse to the gods and holy days , and offerring are used to make a " rice mother " effigy, known as cili, later enshrined in the cultivator's household temple to survey and protect the crop. At harvest time, everyone help, working by day, celebrating by night. Beras Bali , the favoured stain of rice, is used primarily for ceremonies , and yields one harvest a year. The introduction of new breeds of rice capable of two or more harvests a year has almost replaced the traditional breed . 


Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih Kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone     : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Site         : www.rijasa.com


Peacefull , waiting behind the diamond........................

Posted by PicasaPeacefull , ..........................

 Peacefullday is  everyones dream during relaxing with your family. Everyones would like to spend several days for treatment their mind and go out from all stuffed in daily duty . 

Rijasa Agung Resort & Villas which is stay on the hill of Batukaru mountain and on the edge of Ayung river valley will bring you in the middle greenery and peacefull paradise. Sitting down in the balcony of the resort lobby , may one of your solution to refresh your own soul. 

Have aniceday................

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel 
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone        : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile   : ( +62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Site           : www.rijasa.com

Ubud Harmony..........................

Men Dabreg is restless. From midday through afternoon , until night, her husband does not come home. He is back when the sun bursts. His face pale and seems nervous. After offering him coffee, Men dabreg sits beside him. The morning sun makes warm the land in front of them. At that moment the neighbours black dog passes. After her husband drinks a couple of mouthfuls, Men Dabreg is  a little more cheerful. She moves herselft closer to him . 

" This mat is old. We must change with the new one, Bapane." Men Dabreg opens the conversation . Her hand stroke the pandannus mat on which they sit. " Next market day we will buy it " answer Pan Dabreg. His face looks down at the pandannus mat, in which there are some holes as big as afist.The cement floor looks shiny. No chairs there. they don't have chairs. Pan Dabreg 's  family likes sitting on the floor with mats on it. They feel more relaxed. " Bapane, " Men dabreg speaks softly. " Last night you did not come home. Is it there was something interesting in Ubud?"
