Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Bali Religion ...........


Bali Religion .........................

Balinese are Hinduism in majority . The population over than 3 millions people ,  89.5% of the total population are hindu , 8% Islam, 1% Christian Protestant , 1% Christian Catholic and 0.5% Buddhist . 

The main Principal of Hinduism are : Tattwa ( Philosophy ) , Ethics ( rules of conduct ) and ritual / ceremony, with holy scripture called ( Wedha ) , consist of four  part ( Samhita ) , such as : 
1. Reg Wedha Samhita
2. Sama Wedha Samhita
3. Yajur Wedha Samhita
4. Attharwa Wedha Samhita

The essence of Hinduism teaching is called : Panca Craddha ( Five of Faiths ) , such as : 
1. Widhi Craddha, believe in God Almighty ( ida Sang Hayang Widhi Waca ) 
2. Atma Craddha, believe in the existence of Atman or spirit in every God's creatures 
3. Karma Craddha , believe in the consequence of a conduct accordingly
4. Punar Bhawa Craddha, believe in reincarnation or rebirth after death . 
5. Moksha Craddha, believe in eternal happiness after death as the consequence of good conduct when alive.

The Object life for Hindu Balinese written in the Holy Scripture, Weddha is : Moksartham Jagadditha Ya Ca Ithi Dharma, that means : with religion to achieve physical welfare as well as spiritual happiness. 

The holy place to worship Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Waca , God Almighty with his manifestation called , which is according to its function can be classified  into two kinds , such as : 
* Public Temple to worship God as the creator of the universe, the Preserver and the Abolisher . 
* Clan Temple, to worship the ancestral Holy Spirit

Any ritual or ceremony offered to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Waca / God Almighty is called : Yadnya, in general there are five kinds of ritual that Balinese Hindu people do in Bali , called : Panca Yadnya . 
1. Dewa Yadnya, ritual offering respectfully offer to Ida Sanga Hyang Widhi Waca ( God Almighty with his manifestatios ) . 
2. Resi Yadnya , ritual or offering offered to high priest or priests
3. Manusa Yadnya, rituals held along human life-cycle time started from the time inside the mother's womb , childhood, coming -of- age, adulthood and up the death. 
4. Pitra Yadnya, ritual held to worship ancestor spirit.
5. Butha Yadnya, ritual that held to exorcise or to please the underworld spirits or power who maintain the natural balance.            


( 6th of July 2011 - Galungan Day & 16th of July 2011 Kuningan Day )     

Galungan celebration , as to commemorate the victory of Dharma ( virtue ) upon Adharma ( evil ) based on the mythology of Mayadenawa , the demon king who was involved in a war against God Indra's troops. On this day , a tall bamboo pole decorated with young coconut leaves, flower, fruits and cakes is stuck on every house entrace and make a marvelous sight along the village roads symbolizing prosperity, throughout Bali. 

Kuningan , the last day of Galungan celebration believed to be the ascendant day of the ancestral holy spirits and Deities to heaven after sojourning for several day son this material world. On this day, special offering consisted of yellow rice and special dishes are offered while every compound and temple is decorated with ornament made of young coconut leaves. Throughout Bali. 


Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih Kelod, Kec. Payangan -Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone      : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Site         : www.rijasa.com


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