Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Harmony of Ubud, Bali........

HARMONY OF UBUD, BALI......................

" What happened to him?" someone ask him. " My neighbour had hens, with many eggs. So he liked to sell them." Pan Dabreg swallows his spit. " He wanted to sell the eggs or the hens, Pan Dabreg?" asks the pursuing seller wearing shirt with flower on it. " Yes, of course the eggs!" says Pan Dabreg. Then continues. " He put those eggs in a big basket and carried on his head to Ubud Market. "

" When arrived in the corner he was surprised, Ubud market had changed, become two - storey and huge. A couple of months ago Ubud market had not been so big. When they build?"........" Then his imagination flew far. If sold those eggs he would buy a pig. If the pig grew a lot, he would sell and buy cows. "

" If the cows grew a lot?" someone asks. " Is it he will sell again? Then what will he buy ?" the others squawk. " Ya, ya, he will sell half the cows. And half will keep. With money from that he will make two - storey house like Ubud market!" Pan Dabreg takes a draught of his coffee. " Why he wanted to build house like ubud market?" the pursuing seller with flowers on his shirt interrupts.

" He thought the style of Ubud market was very good. Look at the construction ! It was almost like contruction for metal factory. And the architecture was Bali Modern. Even more, the roof made from asbestos."

" My neighbour really liked the new things and modern, " explains Pan Dabreg sarcastically. His hand points to Ubud Market. " Why not made from normal tiles? Why use asbestos? The visitors said asbestos is dangerous, " Wayan sitting beside Pan Dabreg Puts in. " What did my neighbour know of the developing era, also the effects. He only knew...was modern," says Pan Dabreg raising his eyebrows.

" So what happened Pan Dabreg?" asks someone in the corner of the warung who was usually quiet. " For a long time he looked at the market while praising it. Suddenly a bemo sounded it's horn exactly behind him. That person surprised. The eggs fell down from the basket. Almost all broken! That person sad and sobbing."

" What about that bemo? Is it the driver was wrong?" the one in the corner asks again. "That bemo not wrong. That man wrong. He stood in the middle of the road for a long time. Afterwards the bemo driver gave money from his pocket to my neighbour. "Pan Dabreg drinks his coffee.

" Now about your neighbour. Did he have a lot of eggs again ?" asks the flowered shirt. " when my neighbour retuned home, he found his hens had been killed. Some farmers in the ricefields had seen the hens pecked by subak When they chased and tried to catch it, the subak dropped his victim. But too late, the hens were dead, ' Pan Dabreg ends his story.

" Wah, pity that man, " almost at the same time everybody in the warung comments.

To be continue..............................

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, desa Melinggih Kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation facsimile )
Website :
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Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Harmony of Ubud, Bali..........

"Don't be noisy!" Pan Dabreg mediates and continues his story. " T.K.R is the army Security People."...." After he had been in the battle many times, he joined with the Ngurah Rai regiment. Later he went on a long march to Mount Agung. And then he joined the Kalantake Army under the guidance of Ketut Gede." Pan Dabreg rests a moment then continues again.

" Before Puputan Margarana incident he led the movement to take oyer guns from Nica Polisi in Tabanan. And was successful. " Pan Dabreg breathes long. " And then....?" someone interrupts again. " He died in the puputan Margarana war, on November 20th, 1946."

" How did he die ? " asks someone. This one is perplexed, waiting for an answer. " Taking his sten-gun he pursued the enemy. One of his hand also shot, after that both his leg shot. Later he died there." " Hmm, so expensive the price to be independent, " someone rustles. The others quiet. wayan seems absorbed in thought. : Come on, drink the coffee !" Pan Dabreg break the silence. Almost at the same time the people drink their coffee.

Some people come in filling up the warung. The chairs are all being used so they stand, while holding their glasses of coffee. " The is new story about my neighbour!" Pan Dabreg open again the story.

To be continue..............................
Happy Galungan & Kuningan Day ........
May God Bless you all..............................

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Webcsite :

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Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Harmony of Ubud, Bali..............

HARMONY OF UBUD, BALI.............

Lately the tourist who always smile talk in Indonesian. " Berapa harga?" Jangan mahal - mahal ya?" The western accent is still very bumpy. "Ok, i will buy one sarong for my daughter in Germany."

The young woman who offers the sarong smiles, her white teeth gleaming. In Indonesian language. Why just buy one? How about your wife?" ......." Ya, ya, I will buy two , You are clever!" says the tourist . The young woman seller smiles again. Her eyes bigger.

Pan Dabreg has small smile when he sees the tourist and seller's behaviour. " Pan Dabreg, Pan Dabreg !" Pan Dabreg is surprised, someone is calling his name. He turn right and left, searching for the caller.

Across the road someone waves their hand. Hurriedly he goes nearer. The two old men are soon wrapped in conversation. Together they go into the warung across the road, in Ubud corner. They chat, sometimes laughing. The one who talks to Pan Dabreg is nearly the same age. His hair whiter, his body a little bit thin. He has a loud voice, easy for the people around to hear him. Some people are sitting in the warung. A few young men follow and sit down. They like joking with these two old men. While drinking coffee or brem.
The people in the warung also want to hear their stories. Especially the struggling era before Indonesian Independence War era. The guerillas fighting againt the Dutch or Japanese is the era which is interesting to hear about. When the two old men open their story, the situation becomes crowded. The pursuing sellers who were hunting the tourist now also join them. They are more interested in listening to the stories again. if not now!' that is what they are thinking.

Pan Dabreg is a clever storyteller. His face always changing. If talking about the sadness he looks very sad, makes the listeners breathe deeply. Soon after, the people can be heard roaring loudly when he membanyol. ......." Oh, yeah, why is the big field in Ubud called Suwetha?" asks someone suddenly.

" The story goes like this, "Pan Dabreg begins, in Sampelangan, Gianyar,in 1928. After he finished his Army education at 'PETA', Singaraja, he was sent for duty at militery camp Kediri, Tabanan." Pan Dabreg stops then continues again. " A couple of months later he married Nyentana, and lived at his wife's house in Ubud."

" during the revolution of 17th August, 1945, he joined the T.K.R " Pan Dabreg swallowes his spit. " T.K.R? what is that ? " someone interrupts. " Hush! Quiet! Just hear his story !" someone replies. "Wah, i just ask !" ....." You can ask . But first hear that story!" The one who replied before says it again.
Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih Kelod , Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Website :

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Harmony of Ubud, Bali.........................

HARMONY OF UBUD, BALI..................


Pan dabreg doesn't want to do that. For him to help the national struggle for independence is holy work. No other motivation is needed.

This attitude of Pan Dabreg makes people respect him, " The real hero!" they say. Pan Dabreg liked to work in the rice fields. Hoeing waiting for the water, and keeping an eye on the changing colours of the paddies.

In the beginning green, three months later the paddies changed to yellow.When the ears of the rice hung down, it was an invitation for the birds or the rice -field rats to come. If the birds came, Pan Dabreg shooed them away, yelled or made scarecrows in the rice fields,moving them with long ropes.

If the rats were more epidemic, he and subak member attached together. Searched out the rats' hiding places, burned and killed them. When he comes to the corner of Ubud he stops, his eyes a little bit blind. He pulls down his hat more deeply, to avoid the sting of the sun. The shade from the hat made from plaited coconut leaf closes part of his.

Before him is Puri Saren gapura , solid glorious. It's red brick glistens shinily splashed by the sunshine. At the west side of the gapura a couple of children sit and play around at balai bengong.

Many people walk around, including students who go to the school during the day. Bemos, pushbikes, motorbikes. pass around. Understand it's market day. repeated every five days.

Some tourist walk with cameras in their shoulder bags. Sometimes they point their cameras at the stall holders who sit alongside the street, or to the shoppers. " You join them, so i can take a picture of you, " says one tourist to his partner. They look intimate, even though their age is evening. Maybe she is his wife.

The woman tourist then sits beside the vegetable seller. " Klik, klik, jepret - jepret" , many times the man's camera shoots. " O.K., O.K., wonderfull!" says the man. The wife stand and smiles. Almost at the same time the say, "terima kasih," then enter the market. The seller, an old woman, smile sweetly. A lot of people come to her stall.

Not so long, a group of tourist come down from a minibus. Some pursuing sellers soon hunt them. "Hallo! Hallo! Woodcarving? Woodcarving?" Vieing with each other, they ask the tourists who are standing in the street. The tourists smile. The other tourist spread out everywhere. "This is good. I made this one. Very - very cheap for you!" they say.

The tourist still smile. Other sellers are showing their stuff. " Hallo friend, you want sarong ? This is good sarong for going to temple. Look, the colour is beautiful ! Good for your friend !" Again the tourist smile. The sellers still struggle to show their stuff. The other sellers become bored, turning to other tourists..............................................

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