Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Harmony of Ubud, Bali.........................

HARMONY OF UBUD, BALI..................


Pan dabreg doesn't want to do that. For him to help the national struggle for independence is holy work. No other motivation is needed.

This attitude of Pan Dabreg makes people respect him, " The real hero!" they say. Pan Dabreg liked to work in the rice fields. Hoeing waiting for the water, and keeping an eye on the changing colours of the paddies.

In the beginning green, three months later the paddies changed to yellow.When the ears of the rice hung down, it was an invitation for the birds or the rice -field rats to come. If the birds came, Pan Dabreg shooed them away, yelled or made scarecrows in the rice fields,moving them with long ropes.

If the rats were more epidemic, he and subak member attached together. Searched out the rats' hiding places, burned and killed them. When he comes to the corner of Ubud he stops, his eyes a little bit blind. He pulls down his hat more deeply, to avoid the sting of the sun. The shade from the hat made from plaited coconut leaf closes part of his.

Before him is Puri Saren gapura , solid glorious. It's red brick glistens shinily splashed by the sunshine. At the west side of the gapura a couple of children sit and play around at balai bengong.

Many people walk around, including students who go to the school during the day. Bemos, pushbikes, motorbikes. pass around. Understand it's market day. repeated every five days.

Some tourist walk with cameras in their shoulder bags. Sometimes they point their cameras at the stall holders who sit alongside the street, or to the shoppers. " You join them, so i can take a picture of you, " says one tourist to his partner. They look intimate, even though their age is evening. Maybe she is his wife.

The woman tourist then sits beside the vegetable seller. " Klik, klik, jepret - jepret" , many times the man's camera shoots. " O.K., O.K., wonderfull!" says the man. The wife stand and smiles. Almost at the same time the say, "terima kasih," then enter the market. The seller, an old woman, smile sweetly. A lot of people come to her stall.

Not so long, a group of tourist come down from a minibus. Some pursuing sellers soon hunt them. "Hallo! Hallo! Woodcarving? Woodcarving?" Vieing with each other, they ask the tourists who are standing in the street. The tourists smile. The other tourist spread out everywhere. "This is good. I made this one. Very - very cheap for you!" they say.

The tourist still smile. Other sellers are showing their stuff. " Hallo friend, you want sarong ? This is good sarong for going to temple. Look, the colour is beautiful ! Good for your friend !" Again the tourist smile. The sellers still struggle to show their stuff. The other sellers become bored, turning to other tourists..............................................

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