Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Harmony of ubud, Bali

Harmony of ubud, Bali. 1 .

...............His shadow lost in the turning streets. The youth shake their heads. " Those two old men!" They mutter, makinga clicking sound.

Back from ubud, Pan Dabgre throws his shirt on the bed. And then he goes to the cock's cage. opens it and didn't sell it, he never wants to sell his cock.

His cock is powerfull. The legs are strong with yellow skin. The feathers are red, little bit green and black on the wings. His tail dangles, almost touching the ground .

His crowing? Don't ask that !

In the morning, before people ready to wake up, his cock has already woken them. Flapping his wings and then crowing very loudly ; " Kuk-ku-ru-yuuuuuk!" Perhap the cock is yelling to the world; " Kuk-ku-ru-yuuuuk!"......" This Pan Dabreg's cock "......." Enormous "...." Like his owner " ......" Will never lose "......." To an enemy ". Actually Pan Dabreg's cock has never lost when cock-fighting.

After back home from the rice-fields, he would hold that cock.

Men Dabreg has finished her housework. She looks at her husband still stroking the cock. " I feel this life better not changing Just always like this, " thinks Men Dabreg.

She parts her hair which falls to her forehaed. The hair which in same part is already white. This is the hair which befoere was always touched by Pan Dabreg. The smile comes out from her lips.

"Oh, come on," Men dabreg says suddenly. " The day already afternoon, we must eat together.That night when Men Dabreg sleeps, she suddently wake-up. She hears Pan abreg talking in his sleep again. Ha always says : " Ubud market, asbestos, carefull of your eggs!" And then sleeps again.

" Ah maybe he's tired," whispers Men Dabreg . She puts the thick blanket ever him. The blanket given by her daughter in Denpasar. There are two lizard in the bamboo wall chasing each other, two old bodies twisted in the wooden bed sleeping deligfully.

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