Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Bali Hinduism offering........

Bali live atmospher with hinduism culture as daily activity. Everyday and everywhere you go, in all part of bali.You will find balinese making and placing offerings. In house, on cars, in their businesses , and on the street. What are all these offering for ?

They are part of Balinese Hindus' daily practice of thanksgiving for blessings of life. Although there are strong traditions about making and placing daily offering, the most important element is in the heart and mind, the pause from mundane business for sembahyang, devotional prayer and seeking blessing, that accompanies their placement.

Some of the smallest but most common offering are banten saiban , tiny portions of cooked rice on a pies of leaf, placed on cooking items like stoves, grinding and sharpening stones, or brooms. These can be placed anywhere around the house a person feels is appropriate. In a modern kitchen, we could put one on the blender !

Canang are small woven baskets containing the basic elements of hindu offering - flowers, fire ( generally as incense ) and water . Holy water is very sprinkled on the daily offering comes from a temple spring or other clean, clear place. They may also include a morsel of sweet food, and a porosan, folded betel leaf, nut, and lime, representing the triple manisfestation of God as Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

Canang are made from cleverly cut and folded coconut leaf by women, who learn the complex traditional patterns as small girls.Their symbolic shapes include triagles for the triple diety, square for the four directions, or circles representing the universe. They are placed, with prayer and mantra,in a variety of locations and for different reasons, at household temples and ancestor shrines, for Ibu Pertiwi ( mother earth ), to ensure the psychic security of the place, facing roads, at gates, bridges, and other places according to the feeling of the people and advice from holy men.

Canang are sometimes placed on the ground, for butha kala, earth spirits. Canang sari is made daily for daily praying occassion.

Thank you........................

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Site : www.rijasa.com
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