Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Rijasa Suite Villas , The Dream Palace of Honeymooner

Posted by PicasaRijasa Suite Villas, The Dream Palace of Honeymooner 

Greenery open the balcony of Rijasa Suite Villas, enjoy relaxing in fresh water of private pool and take a breath for several minute for refresh your own mind on the sunbath space . Ayung river valley & Batukaru mountain will cover all visitor to the paradise natural which will bring you to the peak imagination of humanity . 

Rijasa Suite Villas stay on the hill with the size : 7,5 x 5,5 m2, Bathroom size : 2 x 4 m2 . Hi-tech room facilities have provided such as : TV set, shower, safe deposit, Minibar, Coffee maker   in private building. Housekeeping Amenities have been set - up in the bathroom as : Shampoo, Body Lotion , Sewing kit, Shower cap, Comb, Tooth brush , Hair Dryer .

Honeymooner will find the honey atmospher of their vacation by enjoy 2 nights Honeymoon package , with benefit inclusive : Flowers bathtub upon arrival, Seving 1 x candle light dinner at sayong ayung restaurant for 2 persons , Serving 1 x traditional balinese massage for 2 persons, treatment for 1 hour/person  and Serving 1 x Ginger tea and Rijasa dessert after massage for 2 persons. 

Rijasa Suite Villas is your choice for unforgetable imagination for honeymooner. 


Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel 
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih Kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone        : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile   : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Site           :

PRAY FOR JAPAN AND HOPING WILL ALWAYS STAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GOD BLESSING......................................................

Thank you for all employee in Pt. Rijasa Agung Resort & Villas who have been donated for the victims of earthquake & Tsunami in Japan on 11/3/2011

Japan Relief on Palang Merah Indonesia - Jepang 
Jl. Gatot Subroto , Kav. 96, Jakarta - 12790
Phone           : (+62.21) 799.23.25
Facsimile      : (+62.21) 799.51.88
Bank Mandiri - kcp Jakarta Krakatau steel .
Reck no. : 070 - 00 - 0480433 - 7

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Payangan , Ubud Paradise...................

Payangan , Ubud  Paradise..................................

Ceremonies & Temple Festival  in all districts of  Ubud, Bali on May 2011

May 2     : Tilem ( Dark moon ) 
Ceremony in the main temples ( Pura Desa, Pura Dalem and Pura Baleagung ) and Family Temple.

May 7     : Tumpek Landep 
Tumpek Landep , the day devoted to Sanghyang Pasupati ( God as the lord of all metal implements ), when blessing  ceremony is given to heirloom,  weapon and the other metal tools ( including cars ) for magical power and proper function. Temple Festival ceremonies at :
1. Pura Kumuda Saraswati , Ubud, Pemerajan Alit, Ubud, Ceremony will be held for 1 day .
2. Pura Dalem Pingit, Taro , Tegalalang. Ceremony will be held 1 day .
3. Pura Penataran Agung Pinatih, Tulikup, Gianyar. Ceremony will be held for 1 day .

May 11     : Buda Cemeng Ukir
A day to pray for the bless of Sang Hyang Sri Nini and Dewa Sadhana.

May 13     : Bhatara Sri Holiday
The day to pray to Dewi Sri , the goddess of rice , for wealth .

May 17     : Purnama  ( Fullmoon ) 
Ceremonies at the main temples ( Pura Desa, Pura Dalem and Pura Baleagung ) and Family Temple.
Temple ceremony at : 
1. Pura Penataran Tangkas, Sukawati village . Ceremony will be held for 1 day .

May 23     : Soma Umanis Tolu 
Presenting offerings for Sang Hyang Widhi / Batara Brahma at the Private temple ( Merajan / Sanggah Kemulan , Paibon ) 

May 25     : Budha Pon Tolu
Temple ceremony at : Pura Catur Buwana, Sanding , Tampaksiring Ceremony will be held 1 for day.

For all visitors , if you would like to take apart in all Temple Festival or Ceremony in Bali. please wear a traditional Balinese clothing. 


Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih Kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone      : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile  : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Site          :
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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Bali Climate.....................

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Place just below equator, bali has a benign tropical climate. There are two reasons, a short, hot, wet season, musim hujan , and a longer, cooler, dry season, musim panas . The mountains are wet year around, averaging 2,800 mm ( 110 inches ) of rain. 

The everage temperature in Bali is 26C ( 79F) and the humidity is relentless 75%. Generally the mountains are about 10C ( 50F ) cooler that the coast, and in the dry season the nights can be chilly. The wet season last from November to March , and is the hottest time of the year with temperatures averaging 30-33C ( 86 - 91F ) by day, 24 - 25C ( 75-77F) by night. April to October is the dry season, when south -easterly winds blow from the Austrlian interior, easing the temperature by 2-3C ( 36-37F) . Bali often experiences north-east and south-west monsoons, but being close to the equator is protected from typhoons and cyclones.

It's no secret that the Balinese use the sun as a clock. The island's proximity to the equator guarantees a fairly uniform 12 hours of daylight. The shortest day is in late June, the longest is in late December, and there is only about an hour's difference.

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Ubud Museums And Galleries ...............................


Museums And Galleries  in Ubud.....................

Where you could go ..during your stay at Rijasa Agung Resort & Villas ? Enclose  visiting Museums and Galleries as one golden program in your mind . Below there are some Museums and Galleries are waiting for visitor :

1. Puri Lukisan Museum 

The Puri Lukisan or " Palace of Paintings " was opened in 1953 by Cokorda Gede Sukawati and Rudolf Bonnet both of whom helped establish the esteemed Pita Maha art society in 1930's. The society aim was to encourage painting and the museum marked the deliberate separation of painting from religious life.

The museum has three buildings set admidst landscaped garden and a pond. Two buildings have permanent and sligly dusty exhibitions, and emphasis is on an historical perspective of Balinese painters. The curator is very enthusiastic and helpful. Unfortunately, the exhibitions are becoming dilapidated - vicitms of the climite and general neglect. The building in the center house in exhibition of paintings by a co-operative and the works are for sale. Note : the painters you like and visit them in their village.

2. Neka Museum

About a kilometre past the Campuhan suspension bridge is the best art gallery on the island . The Museum has a superbly presented treasury of paintings collected by Wayan Suteja  Neka, who has organised the extensive collection according to styles. Incidentally , Fine Arts student at Udayana University must be familiar with the works in the Neka Museum in order to graduate. Works include those of indeginous painters as well as bonnet, Spies, Smit,Meier, Covarrubias and Friend.

3. Neka Gallery 
Former home of Neka, Bali's foremost art dealer, located on Ubud Raya, east , towards peliatan.

4. Munut Gallery

An exhibition of contemporary Indonesian and Balinese artist. Open from 9 am - 5pm .

5. Lempad Museum 

The former home of the revered painter. I Gusti Nyoman lempad, fellow member of the Pita Maha Group. Renowned for his risque pen and ink drawings, the gallery is worth a peek for the insights into pre-tourist Ubud.

6. Agung Rai Museum 
On the main road in Peliatan, it houses an excellent collection of paintings. 

7. Antonio Blanco's Gallery 

Past the suspension bridge on the left . Blanco's Gallery has an exhibition of some of Philippine artist's works, featuring erotic and fantasy drawings of his wife , who runs the gallery. The collection is illuminating for its view on the Bali of yesteryear.

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone       : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile  : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )

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Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Traditional Balinese Dance at Rijasa Agung Resort & Villas............................

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Traditional Balinese Dance ....................

The tradition of Balinese dance and drama are drived from Hindu Java and ultimately, from India. Balinese dancing is a sophisticated and highly stylised form of entertainment. Every movement is symbolic, and is formed in harmony with every other movement, the emphsis being on the eyes, head and arms, rather than the legs. And the entire performance is bereft of emotion. The best performers are those who are inspired by the devine - they will be transported and become their character.

Some of the dances involve pure movement, others meld movement with drama, retelling myths and religious stories. Some dance are secular, some sacred. Wali dance are those performed in the inner sanctum of the temple and are the most revered . The rejang , baris and sanghyang trance dances are religious, while the legong, kecak and joged dances are soley for entertainment. There are hundreds of dances in the Balinese repertoire, some are classics, others are just the flavour of the month.

The Balinese learn to dance at very young age, some girls begin at the age of four, and unlike westerners, they will contimue to dance until they can no longer make the moves. 

Jauk Manis 

Jauk manis dance is a traditional balinese mask dance. This dancing talk about Shiva, the God came to the earth to save all human from the wicked of  Durga the Goddess. This jauk Manis dance has a very smooth and tender motion compare with jauk keras dance. This story also talk about how Shiva fall in love with Durga.

Oleg Tamulilingan Dance

Oleg means supple and Tamulilingan means a bee. Oleg Tamulilingan dance describes a bee and  flower in a garden, they play and intimate each other. This dance motion is very beautifull. Oleg tamulilingan dance, first named tamulilingan mangisep sari, is the creation of Mr. Ketut Mario from Tabanan in 1952. Beside of a symbol of Romanism between man and woman, the motions of Oleg Tamulilingan also contain the characteristic of beautifull of Bali.. Oleg tamulilingan is the dancing which is really on the energic, active and lively motion along with gamelan instrument.

Barong Dance

Barong is the mysterious protector for the villages in Bali. As the Author for forest with sharp teeth mask and long hairbody, Barong the arrival of Rangda the wicked, The Author of the darkness spirit. They always fight in the never ending battle between good and bad. In the Hindu holy days. barong is come from door to door to clean the area from the evil influence.

Cendrawasih Dance 

Cendrawasih Dance describe a couple of cendrawasih birds, male and female which are fall in love in the beautifull garden. The bird following each other and dancing on the air together.

Marghapati Dance

Marghapati dance describe about gouvenour who having an authority bearing, wise and good leader. The motion of this dance is  strong and active.