Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Traditional Balinese Dance at Rijasa Agung Resort & Villas............................

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Traditional Balinese Dance ....................

The tradition of Balinese dance and drama are drived from Hindu Java and ultimately, from India. Balinese dancing is a sophisticated and highly stylised form of entertainment. Every movement is symbolic, and is formed in harmony with every other movement, the emphsis being on the eyes, head and arms, rather than the legs. And the entire performance is bereft of emotion. The best performers are those who are inspired by the devine - they will be transported and become their character.

Some of the dances involve pure movement, others meld movement with drama, retelling myths and religious stories. Some dance are secular, some sacred. Wali dance are those performed in the inner sanctum of the temple and are the most revered . The rejang , baris and sanghyang trance dances are religious, while the legong, kecak and joged dances are soley for entertainment. There are hundreds of dances in the Balinese repertoire, some are classics, others are just the flavour of the month.

The Balinese learn to dance at very young age, some girls begin at the age of four, and unlike westerners, they will contimue to dance until they can no longer make the moves. 

Jauk Manis 

Jauk manis dance is a traditional balinese mask dance. This dancing talk about Shiva, the God came to the earth to save all human from the wicked of  Durga the Goddess. This jauk Manis dance has a very smooth and tender motion compare with jauk keras dance. This story also talk about how Shiva fall in love with Durga.

Oleg Tamulilingan Dance

Oleg means supple and Tamulilingan means a bee. Oleg Tamulilingan dance describes a bee and  flower in a garden, they play and intimate each other. This dance motion is very beautifull. Oleg tamulilingan dance, first named tamulilingan mangisep sari, is the creation of Mr. Ketut Mario from Tabanan in 1952. Beside of a symbol of Romanism between man and woman, the motions of Oleg Tamulilingan also contain the characteristic of beautifull of Bali.. Oleg tamulilingan is the dancing which is really on the energic, active and lively motion along with gamelan instrument.

Barong Dance

Barong is the mysterious protector for the villages in Bali. As the Author for forest with sharp teeth mask and long hairbody, Barong the arrival of Rangda the wicked, The Author of the darkness spirit. They always fight in the never ending battle between good and bad. In the Hindu holy days. barong is come from door to door to clean the area from the evil influence.

Cendrawasih Dance 

Cendrawasih Dance describe a couple of cendrawasih birds, male and female which are fall in love in the beautifull garden. The bird following each other and dancing on the air together.

Marghapati Dance

Marghapati dance describe about gouvenour who having an authority bearing, wise and good leader. The motion of this dance is  strong and active.

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