Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Harmony of Ubud . 4.

Harmony of Ubud . 4 

The next morning while Pan Dabreg is putting water in the rice-fields, west side of the village, someone approaches him.

He doesn't know that person , sure, he must come from the village far away from here, he thinks. After nodding respectfully, that person asks him : " Excuse me Bapak, do you know where Ubud corner is ? " Pan Dabreg wipes his sweat with palm of his hand. That person is younger than him.

His clothing fancy, moustache a little thick , his face round. " Beg your pardon . Oh , you mean Ubud, or the corner busy twirling his moustache. " Ah , i know Bapak , ' says Pan Dabreg. " Bapak , just bamboo group, turn to the right. There you will find the corner. Many bemos park there. Also have market stalls. That is the corner of Ubud," answer Pan Dabreg. " Thank you for that , " after nodding, that person hurries to south direction. Pan Dabreg looks thoughtful. Not so long after come a group of people, who also ask the same question. Ubud corner.

Pan Dabreg gives them a similer answer. One of them after hearing Pan Dabreg's reply, whispers to his friend. His friend looks worried and then speak softly : " Oh , we are too late. They came first ! We must chase them , so not only they can take it!" Even though only speaking softly, Pan Dabreg can still hear them . They go in a hurry to the south direction. The wind's sting is too hot. After cleaning his hoe, he goes back home. Already it is time for lunch. " Wait a moment, Bapane, not cooked yet ', says his to chock cage, takes his cock out, and washes it with clean suprised. That tourist seems confused. Almost at the same time they nod and smile. " ubud ? " It seems like the tourist can only speak a little Indonesian , but Pan Dabreg's Engl ish also little. Pan Dabreg predicts that tourist is lost . Confused, so enters someone's house to ask. Luckily that house is Pan Dabreg's . Men Dabreg then also gives directions to the tourist . " Yes, yes. You go straight, two bamboo bridges and bamboo- bamboo. You turn right, and you in corner Ubud" he says. That tourist seems to understand and then nods. Men Dabreg is proud of her husband.

For the first time she realizes he can speak in tourist language. Pan Dabreg invites the tourist to come inside the house. " Drink , drink ? " he asks. The tourist nods. " Memene, two coffees!" Men Dabreg soon jumps to the kitchen . Not so long she comes back with two glasses of coffee. The tourist offers a Dunhill cigarette to Pan Dabreg. Pan Dabreg shakes his head, unusual for him to smoke white cigarettes. He ussually smokes kretek cigarettes. If not Djarum filter cigarettes, maybe M.P.R " Not, not, " he says " I not smoke English!" Maybe he means, " no,no! I don't smoke white cigarettes!" After finishing coffee, the tourist smiles largely. She puts on her dark glasses, and then goes. She is in a hurry.

Pan Dabreg perplexed. There is a growing question in his heart. Why are so many people asking about Ubudcorner? They are stupid people! Isn't it if they go to Ubud they pass that corner ? Strange ! Strange ! " What is happening Bapane ? Why are you talking to youselft ? Is it that you talk to your cock ? " Pan Dabrge nervous. The question from his wife makes him realize. " I'm not talking to the cock. Memene, I'm still thinking!" explains Pan Dabreg . " After the tourist left you mumbled, " says hiswife while smiling. And then she says again : " That tourist before, like Barbara. But Barbara speaks good Indonesian . That tourist beautiful. " " The question for me is why a lot of people are asking about ubud corner , " says Pan Dabreg , his face cloudy . " That is normal for people to ask that " ..." Ya, but strange, why they always ask about the corner ? Why not Ubud?" ..." Oh , maybe you heard wrong, " saysMen Dabreg seriously. ..." Ooooh, i feel not, touching his cheek " Even i am old, my hearing good enough! I believe somethingis happening in Ubud!"

And than Pan Dabreg mumbles to himselft : ' I don't believe it , in the rice-fields, in the house , always asking about corner of Ubud!" The forehead of his wife wrinkles, does not know what the husband is thinking about. " Bapane, " she says ..." corner of ubud is large. Many people have different activities. There are pushbike repair, shop, warungs, wantilan and also bemos . Something they even use for welcoming important government guest, " " strange! Strange !" whispers Pan Dabreg many times. That night Pan Dabreg talks in his sleep again : " Strange! Strange! Tourist! Corner of Ubud!" The following day Pan Dabreg is quiet. Often he clenches his hand and shakes it to the sky. After back from ubud, usually he will stamp his foot on the ground, Looks like he is angry or tied the problem he cannot be free from . When their son and daughter come home, Men Dabreg tells them about the recent behaviour of Pan dabreg . They just smile, Even joke to her !" Mek - mek, Daddy is already old. Let him be free to do what he wants, " says the first .The other child also adds more. " Daddy works too hard. etter he has a lot of rest . " But the young one works in cassette shop in Kuta Beach has different opimion. " The changing is normal Mek . You must understand .

Maybe Daddy has the third puberty ! " " Waht is puberty ? " asks Men Dabreg . " The puberty time is time od fire. Daddy must stay far away from petrol or kerosene. Because Daddy holds the fire, it is dangerous to go near him ." ..I don't know what you talk about!" Men Dabreg still doest not understand. " Don't go near to him ! Memek can be burned.He......he....ha...ha....ha....!" Ketut, the young one laughes, the older smiles. Men Dabreg sulks. " You just joke with old people !" Men Dabreg's children laugh, they are really close to their parents. To their mother they call Memek .

There is nothing so beautiful as calling their mother in their mother language. Pan Dabreg smiles when he hears them talking about him. It is difficult to know what that smile means. After the children leave, Pan Dabreg again become quiet . When he finishes work in the rice-fields, he goes straight away to Ubud. Sometimes taking his cock. Often he takes his cow there while yelling loudly. Back home when evening or night time. The people in Ubud are astonished.

Thank you .....................


Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. begawan, Desa Melinggih kelod, Kecamatan Payangan - Ubud Gianyar - Bali
Phone : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
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