Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Saiban - Ubud Simplest Offerings

Saiban - Ubud Simplest Offerings
Balinese in ubud, always put small pieces of leaves around their houses. On top they will put a little rice, salt and chili sauce.

It's called by Saiban because every day offerings to the spirits before we eat. And in this way we also give our thanks to the God that we still have food to eat.

When we make the Saiban offerings we appeal to the spirits to protect our compound. We will therefore put these offerings at every corner of cooking takes place, sharpening stone, mortar,pestle, broom, well, book cupboards, television, radio and of course in front of the gate leading into the compound.

When i go to eat in a warung, temple or a friend's place, i will always take a bit of the rice that i will eat and put it next to me for the spirit before i eat. It is usually the duty of the mother of the compound to perform these duties. However if she is not well she may deligate this task to her daughter.

If they are both having their periods at the same time, however and they are not allowed to make these offeirngs, hunsbands or sons are allowed to take over. Remember , before we make these offering we are not allowed to eat.
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