Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Rijasa Agung Traditional Balinese Spa............................

Rijasa Agung Traditional Balinese Spa ...............................................................

Tranquility of ubud natural atmospher as additives during your vacation. Traditional balinese massage will treat your healthy .Pamper your body with natural oil from Rijasa Agung traditional balinese massage , you could choice : orange oil . lavender oil , jasmin oil, etc.

Fresh ginger tea and rijasa dessert as your selction , will serve all the guest  after having traditional balinese  massage . Tumeric garden and sacred balinese garden will cover all visitor during your massage at Rijasa Spa Room.

Rijasa Agung Ubud Bali Villas Resort Hotel
Br. Begawan, Desa Melinggih kelod, Kec. Payangan - Ubud
Gianyar - Bali
Phone        : (+62.361) 980.333 ( Direct Reservation )
Facsimile   : (+62.361) 980.411 ( Direct Reservation Facsimile )
Site           :

Harmony of Ubud.5.


" I thought joking, " flashes Sintru. " How about him ?" ....." You know anything about him ?" Wayan asks seriously....."I don't know about that old man lately. But yesterday he came in. He ordered a lot of frames ! He said he will give them all to you. !" says Sintru without smilling.

"Hah?! He will give me?!" Wayan surprised . ...." Where will he get the money from ? " says Wayan. ...." And then....what did he say again?" ......" He said he will sell pigs to get the money. Then will give these frame to you to make capital for artist's cooperative!"

Wayan throughtful. His face looks older. ...." Strange, strange. Pan Dabreg strange........., " he hissese. Sintru does not really hear what Wayan Hisses....." Beg your pardon ? " asks Sintru........" A couple of days ago in Ubud  corner we were talking about fate. I don't know if Pan Dabreg will help artist's co-operative in my village, " says Wayan softly.

" Pan Dabreg is a smart person. I believe he will help you, Sintru adds......." He is strange. I am a little worried about him, " says Wayan almost whispering. ......." Worried about what ?" ........" About his mentality , " replies Wayan........" Oh you! What's happened to him ?" says Sintru while moving his body.

"His wife told me he often talks in his sleep." ....." Not enough offering perhaps ! Or he never goes to Pura when temple ceremonies?" Sintru tries to guess......." You know already, he always prays!" Answer Wayan. ...." So, what makes him talk in his sleeping?"  ...." His wife said one time Pan Dabreg talked in his sleep almost all night. The day before they had passed Monkey Forest Street. They saw in Ubud Kelod, the old gate made from river stone had been destroyed by the owner . Because the owner rented that land to the rich people from Denpasar. Those rich people made restaurant there. "

" Oh , i know! That old gate was gone, changed to become restaurant! And Pan Dabreg feels he lost that old gate from his memory, " says Sintru. ......" Ya, i think so! Pan Dabreg disappointed because he cannot enjoy and look at that old gate again, " says Wayan while changing his view to the passing bemos . ....." He's very strange !" Now Sintru hisses. ...." That is once what he was talking about in his sleep . Still a lot of other talk! The strange thing, Pan Dabreg always talks to me about something." .....: What's that?" Sintru raises his eyebrows. " Every time, someone is always asking him about Ubud corner!" says Wayan trembling.

" So what?" Sintru pushes. ...." Ah ....! really don't know why. " Wayan stop talking. Together they are silent. Sintru's wife comes bringing two glasses of coffee and one packet od cigarettes.Wayan doesn't pick up the cigarette, only coffee. But Sintru, his left hand holds glass of coffee,the right hand holds cigarette.

" You know, 'Tru, " says Wayan destroying the silence " The person who orders my painting , he wants me to paint scenery......" Wayan does not continue. ....." Waht scenery ?" Sintru asks quickly. ...." Scenery......of Ubud corner!" ......"Hah?!" Sintru snaps hearing that. His hand which hold the glass of coffee trembles. ....." That is true, Sintru. And he wants young artist style!" Wayan seems little bit tense. "If Pan Dabreg , know this he will become more confused."

The two of them become quite. ...." Sure, Ubud corner is beautiful, " says Sintru . ....." Many artist often paint in that corner. They says it's artistict!" ...."Everybody has different reasons, " Wayan speaks more, "but i am astonished with Pan Dabreg's attitude!"  Some of Sintru's customers come in and the conversation stops. Sintru serves them. Wayan doesn't want to take Sintru's time.

"I am going 'Tru. Oh, ya, how long until it's finished?" asks Wayan while sitting on push-bike. ..."Don't worry, You can pick up insert this afternoon . For the frame, will finish in four days. That's if not raining. The wood is now still wet. I must dry first!" says Sintru steadily. ....." Sure in four days?" ....."Yes! Now where you go?" ....." To Ubud. May be Pan Dabreg is already  there " says Wayan.

The old pushbike soon speeds to the north direction. Its' sound 'kreot,kreot,kreot .' The driver an old man with the full spirit pedals push-bike. Really strong.

Thank you............................
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